KOTO’s Citizen Advisory Board

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Resolution of the San Miguel Educational Fund (SMEF) July 1997 

WHEREAS SMEF is the owner and operator of community radio station KOTO, and WHEREAS the SMEF board is empowered by its bylaws to carry out and delegate policy decisions regarding the allocation and scheduling of broadcast and production work, and WHEREAS it is the mission of KOTO to provide the highest level of programming to the community it serves, and WHEREAS SMEF believes it is positive to promote the discussion of programming with representatives of the board, KOTO, staff, volunteers and listeners. Now, therefore be it resolved that KOTO establish a  “programming advisory board (CAB)” with the following general powers and procedures: 

Make-up and appointment

 The board will consist of ___members: 1 from the SMEF board; 1 from the staff (one of whom will be the program director); and the remainder from volunteers and/or listeners.  The CAB will be appointed by the SMEF board.  Terms shall be for a period of 4 years. Volunteer/listener seat openings shall be announced on the community calendar with statements of interest requested.

Powers of the Board

 The CAB is delegated the power to:

1) Discuss and make recommendations to the program director, regarding past, current and future programming. 

2) Review, discuss and make specific recommendations  regarding programming policy to the SMEF board, either at the request of SMEF or by the initiative of the CAB.

3) CAB may develop and make programming awards. 

Procedures of the Board

 1) The board shall meet generally on a quarterly basis.  Its  meetings shall be public.

2) Governing and operation of the CAB meetings shall be determined by CAB.

3) CAB may, on occasion, use the KOTO airwaves to promote  programming discussion and public input.



2024 Meeting Dates:

Tuesday July 2, 2024 4pm

Previous Meetings: June 8, 2023 September 14, 2023
December 12, 2023 January 16, 2024 March 12, 2024 June 11, 2024


The meeting was held Tuesday, December 12 at 4:00 PM MST via Zoom. Attendees were Tara Carter, Trish Schilling, Dave Hodges, Franz Rassman, Molly Daniel, Ben Kerr, and Michael Haberkorn.

Topics discussed include:

Listener Survey -  Although initially unable to access the survey results, SMEF President Laura Shaunette ultimately provided Ben with a spreadsheet detailing the various responses.  Michael and Trish are reviewing the data and will present a summary at the January meeting. If you are interested in reviewing the spreadsheet data yourself, please contact Ben or Michael and we will send you the spreadsheet.

KOTO Volunteer of the Year - As the CAB's powers include the authority to make awards, attendees discussed various potential awards, including a KOTO Volunteer of the Year Award; the topic arose following Ben's notice of the KOTO Silver Tongue Awards.  Please give this idea further thought and let's follow-up on the subject at future meetings.

Programming Recommendations - Attendees discussed various programming ideas, another one of the CAB's duties.  Trish recommended adding the Colorado Minute, a brief one minute syndicated program. Staff will look into the specifics of adding such a show to the KOTO line-up.

Relatedly, attendees also discussed a potential program regarding Telluride history, possibly to be put together by the Telluride Museum staff.  Potential hosts for such a show include Ashley Bolling. Another idea discussed was a Telephone Call-In Show featuring KOTO listeners. Each of these ideas need further discussion and will be addressed at subsequent CAB meetings.

CAB Meetings In-Person and Zoom - Given the strong meeting attendance, it was suggested that future CAB meetings be held both in person (for those able to attend, typically in the lobby of the Telluride Hotel) and also available as a Zoom meeting, for those unable to attend in person.  Your input on this topic is appreciated.

As noted above, the next CAB meeting will be held Tuesday, January 16, at 4:00 Mountain Time.  The primary purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the Listener Survey results and a strategy for "next steps."


Michael Haberkorn Dave Hodges

Janet Humphreys Ben Kerr

Tara Carter Trish Schilling

Molly Perrault Franz Rassman

Carol Dix Angela Watkins